Another Untitled Music Podcast
Stilgherrian and Snarky Platypus extend your horizons by introducing you to a wider range of music both new and old, and judging your own lame music tastes.
Each episode they’ll play a few tunes, invite supporters to “Recommend a Song to Us”, and even send in a three-song playlist and “We Will We Will Judge You”. But it’ll cost. More on that soon.
Thanks to a recent crowdfunding campaign they’ll have a proper music license, and they’ll be recording two pilot episodes before the end of February.
Another Untitled Music Podcast
Another Untitled Music Podcast | Trailer 2
Snarky Platypus and Stilgherrian return to that park in North Sydney park to record another uninformative trailer for their new podcast. Please ignore the squealing child. They’ll be recording two pilot episodes in the coming weeks, just as soon as the paperwork is done for the music license.